Tuesday, February 11, 2014

practicing with my new favourite drawing tool, a bristle-tipped ink pen, did a bunch of portraits from photo ref of friends on facebook over christmas break

1 comment:

Liimlsan said...


This is Liam, that kid from Animation Torrent and the wine tasting thing?

I found the book I recommended - http://www.amazon.com/Tao-Sketching-Complete-Chinese-Techniques/dp/1402726279 "The Tao of Sketching" by Qu Lei Lei.

What was the brand name of that fountain brush you showed me? I've been looking for that one, but can't find one that isn't designed as a waterbrush and doesn't clog with ink. It's a great tool and I need to experiment with it.

- https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=363681445328506540#overview/src=dashboard I've almost forgotten I had a blog, I'ma start updating things to it.