Thursday, July 29, 2010

artists block

It's a bitch

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Funky Winker Bean

fresh venue, always fun

This place is a great spot for a metal show, I'll definitely be back there soon (though my ears still ring from forgetting my plugs at home) similar vibe as Astoria, but much much closer to my apartment

I do appreciate the sight of a dozen metal heads with hair past their shoulders head banging in unison like some pagan worship ritual

Rain City Art Mob

Saturday was the first art mob, and it went pretty well! Chose to meet on the steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery, which was a bit of a bunk decision as that street is currently being rebuild on all sides plus the weather was threatening drizzle so once everyone was there we headed down to the Library Square atrium. Future art mobs will most likely be hosted at the same spot, it's more flexible with easy shelter from rain and access to the oh-so-crucial creativity catalyzing coffee.

The chemistry to the afternoon was super fun as a good number of the artists had not met each other before. Grabbed some beers and eats at the Beatty Street Bar and Grill after the sketching was done with

The next few weekends will be busy, but eventually I'm hoping to make the Rain City Art Mob a weekly gathering

started off with a bunch of brush-tip-pen crowd sketches

after moving to the library switched to a felt tip pen to draw some robits

blast from the past

Got to catch up with a friend from back home this weekend, Janna was in town last week so we hit up a show at the New Media Club. I left my sketchbook at home for this one, opted to dance my ass off instead. The first band was pretty mellow, but the next two kicked up some synth and it was good times.

anyone know who the bands were? (I didn't get a chance to write down their names, was too busy dancing) It was Thursday, July 1st at the Media Club.